Audiologic Diagnostic Testing
After the age of 55, our hearing begins to decline but by having regular hearing tests we can attempt to slow down this process. We recommend to get a hearing examination every 2 years after the age of 55. The test type that we would use depends on the age and known hearing status. We perform pure-tone air and bone conduction testing, tympanometry testing, speech testing, auditory brain stem response test, auditory steady-state response test, otoacoustic emissions screening, and visual reinforcement and conditioned play audiometry for children.
1112 West 6th Street, Suite 100 Lawrence, Kansas 66044
(785) 843-8479
Hearing Aid Providers and Our Promise
With so many choices out there it can feel overwhelming when deciding what to spend your money on when it comes to hearing aids. Why spend so much money for something that you are just gonna throw in a drawer and never use again? That is why at Marston Hearing Center, we try our hardest to find the best hearing aids for your type of hearing loss. We allow our patients to demo hearing aids before they buy them. Then if you do decide to buy hearing aids from us you get 30 days to return them if they are not working how you want. We also will call you after 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years to check up with you and see how the hearing aids are treating you. That way if there are any issues you can bring them back in and we can try to help. Below are some of the hearing aid providers and links so that you can see what is available.